Glioblastoma Foundation funds study on long-term glioblastoma survival
The Glioblastoma Foundation is pleased to announce the funding of a new population-based survival study for glioblastoma at MGH at Harvard Medical Center. Dr. Eugene Semenov will lead the study to examine population-based differences in long-term vs short-term glioblastoma survival.
As survival statistics for glioblastoma start to slowly improve, the Glioblastoma Foundation is focused on learning more about which patients fare better and what characteristics they may have in common.
Dr. Semenov's epidemiology research is focused on leveraging existing healthcare informatics structure and implementing machine learning approaches to develop robust prediction models for treatment of disease.
Dr. Semenov's passion for glioblastoma is not without cause: He lost his own father to glioblastoma in 2013, so he is acutely aware of the importance of using his epidemiology expertise to further our understanding of glioblastoma survival.
"Glioblastoma Awareness Day is an emotional time for me to reflect on my dad, and I could not be more happy to be working with the Glioblastoma Foundation on this project to shed light and hope on long-term glioblastoma survivorship."
The Glioblastoma Foundation would like to thank Dr. Semenov and his team for their dedication to glioblastoma and to furthering our understanding of long-term glioblastoma survivorship.
The Glioblastoma Foundation is the most trusted name in research funding for leading edge therapies to transform glioblastoma outcomes for all patients.
To learn more about how you can get involved on Glioblastoma Awareness Day, July 20, 2022, please visit our Glioblastoma Awareness Day page!
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