HSP-90 drug funded by Glioblastoma Foundation gets NIH Funding
Congratulations to Dr. Vinay Puduvalli on his newly funded NIH grant entitled "Characterization of Onalespib, A novel long acting Hsp90 inhibitor, as a chemo and radiosensitizer in Adults with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma." We are proud to support this drug and excited that the NIH has seen the value in this drug as well!
The heat shock response is an important evolutionary mechanism that allows glioblastoma to develop resistance to therapies such as Temozolomide (TMZ), a current mainstay in glioblastoma therapy. In preliminary studies, the drug Onalespib blocked tumor growth and invasion. The current studies will identify the maximum tolerated dose of Onalespib in combination with chemotherapy (Temozolamide), radiation, and therapy.
Best of luck to Dr. Puduvalli and his team as they continue to #TransformTherapy for glioblastoma! We look forward to continuing to support the development of this drug so that it can one day be incorporated into a regimen of drugs that will beat glioblastoma.